Promising Designs

Promising Designs

Promising Designs featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Ossh is a multifunctional handle and an intuitive lighting interface on the door. Ossh indicates escape routes in critical conditions; communicates management information; performs a a 24/7 disinfecting action through the emission of silver and other metallic ions. Sanitation is due to Esi anti microbial system, a technology that kills corona virus, tested and certified by the laboratory of virology at the University of Modena e Reggio. Ossh is available in kits to be fitted in different environments: Stand Alone for privacy; Wired for fire doors; Wi-fi to be integrated in domotic systems.

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Venous Materials

Venous Materials project envisions a new way to design dynamic tangible interactions using fluidic Interfaces. It is a new type of interactive material that is inspired by veins systems in nature and the human body. When the user applies pressure or motion to the material, it dynamically displays geometric patterns and colors. The different patterns are displays that function as tangible sensors, that can animate dynamic graphics, create responsive objects for learning activities, and visualize body movement and balance.

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FDTC Compact

The FDTC compact cassette; a unique design created to provide dynamic cooling and heating. With lower running costs and energy expenditure, the attractive draft prevention panel offers increased comfort for end users. With the advanced engineering and new design features flexibility and satisfaction is felt within office, retail and leisure environments.

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Reed 5T

Designers idea to create this linear tracking tonearm came up from intention to create compact tangential tonearm. Keeping in mind that most of tangential tonearms are massive. While creating this tonearm designers prime focus was to create high quality, functional, compact and efficient design. This tonearm working principle is based on Thales theorem and the rule that given three non-collinear points it is possible to draw only one circle that has finite radius and passes through all three. According to these rules arm tube is tangential to the groove of LP while turntable is playing.

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The Bio Inspired Micro Gravity Exercise Concept is a workout machine designed to offset the osteoporosis, muscular atrophy and psychological issues associated with long term space travel. Bimgec emulates weight in zero gravity for weight training and aerobic workouts. It incorporates a unique eccentric bias system to increase the effective load during the eccentric phase of a rep. Bimgec was designed for an open call for technologies by NASA for use in their Orion capsule for future manned interplanetary missions, which it won.

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Design interview of the day

Read the latest interviews and conversations on design, creativity and innovation between design journalist and world-famous designers, artists and architects. See latest design projects and award-winning designs by famous designers, artists, architects and innovators. Discover new insights on creativity, innovation, arts, design and architecture. Learn about design processes of great designers.

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